The Quintessentialist II

Veteran comic creator Alan Davis, responsible for some of Marvel and DC’s most endearing stories, does his best work when fully off the leash. And “the leash” refers of course to continuity, that pesky web of logic that binds a shared fictional universe (and can make or break a reading experience). Davis is a typhoon [...]

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The Quintessentialist

Longtime comic readers never forget the exact issues responsible for their obsession. They come to treasure and mythologize the circumstances in which they realized, “Comics are something weird, wonderful, and so different from other entertainment that I can’t do without them.” My circumstance was a drive to New Hampshire, for a weekend at the summer [...]

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Which we’ve been awaiting for some time now. Writer Jonathan Hickman, who recently reinvented the Fantastic Four to spectacular effect, now writes Avengers, Marvel’s flagship title. They are, at least according to Joss Whedon’s film: Thor, Captain America, the Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye and Iron Man. While this newly relaunched comic begins with that team [...]

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