A Certain Profit Situation
Now the gold supply at Fort Knox has reached a criticallevel, and something must be done.This in itself tends to aggravate the dollar drain and bringthe moment of reckoning closer.How can the individual protect himself against animprovident government which has become caught in sucha financial tangle?The simplest way to own gold is by buying stock in aproducing gold mine.The ideal speculation is one in which the risk is small andthe possible profit large, and so no better speculation canever be found.American citizens cannot own gold.With that kind of potential profit, it is almost mandatory toown at least a little gold, even if the change should bedelayed for some years.This is a certain profit situation, and it will repeat itselfannually until the price of gold is finally raised.____Krystal Languell is a member of the Belladonna* Collaborative and edits the journal Bone Bouquet. Her work has appeared in esque, La Fovea, DIAGRAM and elsewhere, and her first book, Call the Catastrophists, was published by BlazeVox in 2011. She is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Pratt Institute and a 2013 Emerge Surface Be fellow at The Poetry Project.