A Brief for the Defense
/Known and Unknown:
A Memoir
By Donald RumsfeldSentinal, 2011As Robert McNamara, a man familiar with sending people to die, explained to filmmaker Errol Morris,
Any military commander who is honest with himself, or with those he's speaking to, will admit that he has made mistakes in the application of military power. He's killed people unnecessarily — his own troops or other troops — through mistakes, through errors of judgment.
The testaments left to posterity by those who make war should not be afraid to reflect that reality – especially if the war, like the one in Iraq, is so shot through with deadly mistakes.More than any American except George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld is responsible for those mistakes. And yet he says, in Known and Unknown, his cowardly new memoir, that his biggest mistake was not quitting after the revelations of torture at Abu Ghraib:
Abu Ghraib and its follow-on effects, including the continued drumbeat of “torture” maintained by partisan critics of the war and the President, became a damaging distraction. More than anything else I have failed to do, and even amid my pride in the many important things we did accomplish, I regret that I did not leave at that point.
My initial, spasmodic response was to think, “right you are,” which I promptly scribbled in the margin. But Rumsfeld is just making a typically disingenuous stab at rectitude, by which he means to make us think of him as a person who has actually considered his past carefully and is prepared to admit his errors.
[Dick] Cheney and I had witnessed the era of Vietnam and Watergate, during the fevered debate over the so-called imperial presidency...In the early days of the Ford administration, Bryce Harlow, the savvy White House liaison to Congress, former Eisenhower aide, and a friend, told me – and I am paraphrasing from memory: “The steady pressure by Congress and the courts is to reduce executive authority. It is inexorable, inevitable, and historical. Resolve that when you leave the White House, leave it with the same authorities it had when you came. Do not contribute to the erosion of presidential power on your watch.”Harlow's words left an impression on me, and, I suspect, on Cheney.
Cheney was hired as an aide to Rumsfeld during the Nixon administration, and became Chief of Staff in the Ford Administration, while Rumsfeld undertook his first stint as Secretary of Defense. They carried their warm relationship into the second Bush Administration (Cheney was Secretary of Defense in the first), and Rumsfeld's top people on Iraq were Douglas Feith, who assembled intelligence used for justifying the invasion and attempted to plan for the aftermath, and Paul Wolfowitz, the foremost advocate of overturning Saddam in the administration. Rumsfeld was a signatory of the Project for the New American Century, the infamous group that began advocating for regime change in Iraq in the mid-1990s. Rumsfeld also insisted to the President that the Pentagon be in sole charge of the occupation. So the idea that Rumsfeld was not a part of keeping State personnel out of Iraq is ludicrous, just as it is ludicrous that he was a voice of caution in invading Iraq, or that he was a moderate on the question of detainee interrogation – an argument he attempts to make by contrasting the techniques he authorized with more brutal CIA methods. “The legal justifications behind the decisions and policies we made on detainee affairs were sound and firmly rooted in precedent,” and those arguing otherwise were “partisans in Congress, self-styled human rights advocates, anti-Bush journalists, lawyers of suspected terrorists, and others.”Rumsfeld is not an expansive thinker. Like Confucius or a management guru, Rumsfeld likes his wisdom in epigrams, which he seeds liberally throughout the book. On upsetting the State Department and foreign governments, he chortles that “if you want traction, you must first have friction.” Or “the wind in the tower presages the coming storm.” (That one, at least, is Chinese.) He is constantly grafting milquetoast conservative platitudes about dependency and strength onto complicated questions of international relations. His most damnable little gem comes from Dwight Eisenhower. “Plans,” Rumsfeld quotes approvingly, “are worthless, but planning is everything.”And so we come to the apex of Rumsfeld's incompetency: his overbearing and destructive management of war planning. He begins by offloading blame. After the September 11 attacks, he claims, Bush asked him for some “creative” options for an Iraq invasion plan (there is no memo for this, either). The Pentagon kept a plan current, which someone dubbed “Desert Storm on Steroids” – it envisioned a total force of 500,000 – but Tommy Franks, the overall commander of forces in the region, “confirmed our opinion that it was seriously out-of-date.” For a new plan, Rumsfeld “suggested that Franks start by focusing on the key assumptions underlying his plan” and “emphasized that failing to examine the assumptions on which a plan is based can start a planning process based on incorrect premises, and then proceed perfectly logically to incorrect conclusions.” According to this version of the story, his sage warning issued, Rumsfeld let the military planners take the lead.
"In what I came to think of as Secretary Rumsfeld's style," an Army official who was involved in the process told me recently, "he didn't directly say no but asked a lot of hard questions about the plan and sent us away without approval. He would ask questions that delayed the activation of units, because he didn't think the planned flow was right. Our people came back with the understanding that their numbers were far too big and they should be thinking more along the lines of Afghanistan"—that is, plan for a light, mobile attack featuring Special Forces soldiers. Another participant described Rumsfeld as looking line by line at the deployments proposed in the TPFDD [Time-Phased Force and Deployment List, the Army's meticulous plan for the build-up] and saying, "Can't we do this with one company?" or "Shouldn't we get rid of this unit?" Making detailed, last-minute adjustments to the TPFDD was, in the Army's view, like pulling cogs at random out of a machine. According to an observer, "The generals would say, Sir, these changes will ripple back to every railhead and every company."
But Rumsfeld persisted, to the detriment of every soldier in the country. Military police units, for example, were deployed haphazardly, often with no proper sequence or equipment. One of those units, unable to train stateside or when it got to Iraq because it had no equipment, was the one posted to Abu Ghraib. Most strangely, in a war predicated upon Saddam's possession of chemical and biological weapons, there were nowhere near enough troops available to guard the sites where intelligence indicated they would be found. This is to say nothing of the conventional weapons dumps, of which the nascent insurgency quickly availed themselves. “It's possible,” Rumsfeld begrudgingly writes, “there may have been times when more troops could have been helpful.” But as Iraq descended into chaos and the insurgency grew, arguments against troop increases “continued to seem persuasive.” He kept asking his commanders if they wanted more, they kept saying no, and that, according to this book, was enough.Rumsfeld didn't approve the military's plan for invasion until December of 2002, less than three months before the invasion. That left little time to plan for the aftermath of combat. The assumptions of the military planners and the neoconservatives were fantastical (we all remember the flowers that were supposed to greet us), and Rumsfeld saw no reason to question them. Jay Garner, who Rumsfeld chose to head up the post-war occupation two months before the war began, had to fight to get State Department deliberations on the subject, and was assigned minimal staff – and then often on the basis of political connections suggested by Dick Cheney's office. The same was true for the staff of Garner's successor, L. Paul Bremer III, whose personnel were vetted at the Pentagon by the White House liaison, James O'Bierne. Rumsfeld leaves all this unmentioned, and cites no memos.With the country in chaos, and the coalition unable or unwilling to commit troops and money to keeping the peace and building a new regime, the insurgency grew in size and brutality. It would not be until four years later, after Rumsfeld's departure, that the United States would adjust its strategy to the dynamics on the ground. And in that time...well, we know the numbers, right? Our self-serving memoirist never tells us how it feels to have made mistakes accounting for massive displacement and butchery. Nor, when he opens the book, does he describe how it felt to shake hands with a mass murderer, or to negotiate the opening that led to US aid during Saddam's war with Iran – aid that included satellite photographs used to drop chemical weapons on defenseless people.The upshot of all this is not that he should have been a clairvoyant, or that it is all his fault – many of his commanders were inadequate, the Bush Administration was dysfunctional. People fail to anticipate things, and as Rumsfeld constantly reminds us throughout his small-minded doorstopper, intelligence is fallible. No one can know the future, he wants us to acknowledge. “It is of note that during Bob McNamara's confirmation hearing to become secretary of defense in 1961, not a single U.S. Senator asked him a question about Vietnam.” Yet this argument does not obviate McNamara's responsibility for the choices he made in the 1960s, nor should it soothe Rumsfeld's conscience four decades later.
he wore the expression of a haunted man. He could be seen in the streets of Washington – stooped, his shirttail flapping in the wind – walking to and from his office a few blocks from the White House, wearing frayed running shoes and a thousand-yard stare.
This could be no consolation to the three million he helped to kill with his hubris and stupidity. But at least he attempted to face those demons, however inadequately. It is more, I'm afraid, than we will ever get from Donald Rumsfeld.____Greg Waldmann, a Senior Editor at Open Letters Monthly, is a native New Yorker living in Boston with a degree in International Affairs.