Ars Poetica
/1. Falling in Love with PoetryI love you.I stroked your wordslike stones submergedin mother waterafter toasting in the sun:miniscule dimplesbriefly freckle beforeengulfed in the flash changefrom shadeto heavier shade.2. Falling Out of LoveI thought I loved you‘til the atoms in my bodyruptured into mushroomclouds congesting my viewat the thought of you.Escalofríos flaredwhen I plungedthe stone in the river,water beads ornamentingthe hairs on my arms.The thought of youwas no melody,but a tune adheredwith night terrorsand the Shadow Manat the foot of the bedlistening.3. Falling in Love with Poetry, AgainI want to love youlike jazz scats’spontaneous dipsand swings, twistingtongues to ribbons:lips in amorous Os:humming, a warmradiator in the cold.____Vanesa Pacheco is a Bostonian Latina poet. She received her BA in Literature and Communications from Wheelock College and is now pursuing her MFA in Poetry at Stonecoast’s Creative Writing program. Vanesa's fascination with languages and translation has inspired her to blend English and Spanish in all creative writing forms with her love for surrealism, horror, and sci-fi. She currently is the poetry editor for the Stonecoast Review. Her writing and thoughts can also be found on her literary citizenship blog and in Delirious Hem; The Rain, Party, and Disaster Society’s monthly issues; Queen Mob’s Teahouse; The Fem; and Velvet-Tail.