Number Fifteen
/Locks kissTimbered cribsHe carries the canalOn a single shoulderShe hand tied the tasslesBy the light of a tallowCross the Billy Goat TrailAnother apparitionReturn to the tow pathThe raucous conversingDouble breasted cormorantsCommandeer the jet d’eauPicnic tangled in limbsInhale the entire afternoonSugarloaf he says he pointsIt’s a good place to take a body____CarlaJean Valluzzi hails from the beautiful Pioneer Valley in Western Massachusetts, received her BFA from MassArt, her MFA from UB, and now quakes upon a hill just west of Baltimore. She creates {mostly} paper-based ephemera; assembles objects as well as words to suit the weather, which has proven most chaotic as of late. Birthdays are spent sleeping among wild ponies. A book exists, Part With Never, and work will or has appeared in Espresso Ink, Artichoke Haircut, Hidden City Quarterly, the Found Poetry Review, & elsewhere. Sometimes characters go live at, or you can find things on the facebook.