back-door typical
/once again - guilty silenceback-door alternative to humiliationback-door cyberworld alternative toeditorial restraint andhunger strike fawning overalternative to responses to ebolathis is a recipe without accountabilitythis is a board chairthis is a now comes Mr. Greenberg tocomplain why so many triggersof illiquid, not insolventresponses to ebolaonce again guilty silence fawning overonce again the former chief ofinsurance premium amid an armada oftrigger alternative to cyberworld protectingchildren to be surewhy so many guilty silencewhy so many once againwhy so many won't be back-door investmentsilliquid, not insolvent to be surethis is a recipe for (back-door) editorialrestraint without accountability for guilty silence ____Theodora Danylevich did her undergraduate work at Columbia, after which she took some workshops at The Poetry Project. Currently based in DC and grateful for the DC Poetry community, Theodora has an MA in Communication, Culture & Technology from Georgetown and is completing her PhD in English at the George Washington University. She has also served as an archivist with the D.C. Africana Archives Project at the Moorland-Springarn Research Center, where she processed the papers of Amiri Baraka. Her academic work has been published in Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge and The Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. Her poetry has appeared in Vanitas, Phoebe, Boog City, and other venues. She also blogs with, and is their new US Editor.